May 8th was the MFYBA Annual Meeting. It is during this meeting we elect the new board members. We were also fortunate to be able to fill most of our open roles.


Let’s welcome our new board member and a new role for a current board member!

Secretary*–Jamie McAdam

VP Girls*–Nicole Loeb


And a congratulations to those board members who are continuing in their roles!

President*–Chris Wentworth

Treasurer*–Shannon Probasco

Equipment–Stephanie Prom

Scheduling–Domenic Patti

VP Boys*–Harold Frye

High School Girls–Derrick Woeffler

High School Boys–

Rec League*–Dena Richmond

Player Development Girls–OPEN

Member at Large–Dan Jeserig


A big THANK YOU to those board members who are stepping down. We appreciate all you have done!
*Denotes voting board positions